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Phentermine for Weight Loss

Prescription Weight loss drugs  We only dispense KVK Phentermine 

Phentermine (Adipex-P, Lomaira) is an FDA approved appetite suppressant with an amphetamine-like prescription medication used to suppress appetite. The weight loss happens when you spend more calories then consumed and Phentermine helps you curb your appetite resulting in decreased caloric intake. Remember that the body uses calories when you are resting and even sleeping. The relevant scientific names for the general types of weight loss pills that have been available since the late 1950s are Phentermine and Phentermine Hydrochloride. When administered according to a doctor's instructions, medical studies show that the medicine is safe and effective. 

The recommended starting dose for Phentermine is 15 mg daily and maximum dose of 37.5 mg taken once a day. Now FDA has approved Lomaira, a 8 mg Phentermine that can be taken 3 times a day. For some people the effective dose with consultation with their prescriber can be 15 mg or 1/2 a pill of 37.5md taken first thing in the morning and before 5 pm. Phentermine should never be taken after 5pm as it can effect your sleep.

Mechanism of Action

Phentermine activates the central nervous system and stimulates the release of certain neurotransmitters like dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and norepinephrine (noradrenaline). As a result, the central nervous system induces a “fight or flight”-like reaction, which causes increased heart rate, sweating, lack of appetite, and extra energy

Common side effects of Phentermine include :

Increased heart rate

Tingling or prickling feeling in hands or feet

Dry mouth




Phentermine is not appropriate for all overweight and obese patients. There are many contraindications for phentermine use, including, but not limited to: history of cardiovascular disease, history of addiction, history of agitated states, or current/recent use of certain medications or supplements.

How much weight can you lose on phentermine 37.5 mg?

phentermine 37.5 mg, weight loss pills, weight loss

Phentermine has been found in many clinical trials to help people lose weight.

Even though the FDA has licensed them for less than 12 weeks of use, healthcare providers often prescribe off-label phentermine for long periods.

Doctors may prescribe it at intervals- you must rest for a certain period before starting again.

After three months of treatment with Phentermine, you will lose 3% of your initial body weight, and after six months- you will lose 5-7%. Some people claim that they have lost more weight.

In perspective, for a 200-pound (90.7 kg) person, a 5-7% weight loss equals 10-14 pounds (4.5-6.4 kg).

However, this medicine does not work for everyone. If you have not lost weight after three months, your doctor may advise you to stop taking it.

In addition, efficiency continues to decline after more than one year of use.

Although phentermine has been- shown to help with weight loss, it may be more successful when combined with topiramate.

Topiramate is a seizure medicine that has appetite-suppressing properties, such as phentermine.

Topiramate and phentermine

Weight loss medications containing phentermine and topiramate are available under the brand name Qsymia.

The drug is available in four doses- the concentration of phentermine varies from 8 mg to 37.5 mg and the concentration of topiramate from 25 mg to 50 mg. It is available- as a long-acting capsule to take in the morning.

After 14 days on the lowest dose, your doctor may decide to switch you to a higher dose.

If you do not lose 3% of your body weight after 12 weeks- on the highest daily dose' you should stop taking the drug on the report of the FDA.

Is 37.5 mg of phentermine a lot?

phentermine, weight loss near me, weight loss pills

Phentermine is usually taken at a dose of 37.5 mg (one tablet) once a day. It can be taken- in a single dose or two doses (one in the morning and one in the evening). A new formulation of Phentermine (Lomaira) has recently been launched, at a dose of less than 8mg- which can be taken up to three times a day.

Due to the potential for harmful side effects, you should try to stay on the lowest effective dose of phentermine as soon as possible (the lowest dose that will allow you to lose weight successfully).

Does Phentermine give energy?

Finding the energy you need to lose weight is one of the most difficult_ parts of this process. If you are obese or overweight, you may be leading a sedentary lifestyle. It can be hard to launch an ambitious training program out of nowhere. Phentermine can increase your heart rate and give you more energy. The more energy__ you have on any given day, the more you can achieve and the closer you will be to the healthy lifestyle you envision.

It Boosts Your Metabolism

Phentermine boosts your metabolism by increasing your heart rate and giving you more energy. It affects how many calories you burn- So you can get the most out of your exercise routine. You will burn more calories and lose weight faster than you think.

How much does phentermine cost?

Phentermine is an affordable medicine. The most common doses have an average retail price of around $36 per month of supply.

Most do not cover Medicare and private insurance programs. However, GoodRx discounts can reduce costs by about $10 per month- which is about 70% lower than the regular price.

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